Student Digital Competence Webinar 2024
Secondary school students from St Joseph’s Secondary School, North Dublin in Ireland, along with Darren Byrne, and primary students from St Patrick’s Primary, South Ayrshire
Secondary school students from St Joseph’s Secondary School, North Dublin in Ireland, along with Darren Byrne, and primary students from St Patrick’s Primary, South Ayrshire
Find out how two exceptional schools are supporting students tackle cyber risks and keep pupils safe online. Special Guest Speakers Ian Vosser Braes High School
Two mentor schools share their story about how they are supporting student learning in and outside the classroom through collaboration and networking approaches. Special Guest
Maureen Casey & Mark Dempsey, EdTech Solutions Experts give a sneak peek into future ready IT solutions for schools. Robert O’Reilly, Principal in St. Mary’s,
Gain valuable expertise, support and mentoring on leadership and empowering learners from teachers in two secondary schools who successfully led whole-school digital transformation and change.
Hear from two exceptional leaders who successfully helped their schools develop a SELFIE-based action plan for effective digital age learning and teaching. Terence O’Brien, Teacher
We are pleased to introduce ourselves to you as Connect Education Trust, a leading Multi-Academy Trust that is passionate about creating exceptional futures for thousands
Banagher College in Ireland has taken the next steps in advancing their educational practices by implementing SELFIE-based Digital Action Planning. https://www.awards4selfie.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Copy-of-DSA-Webinar-081123.mp4
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-raC5cVuVg Looking to enhance your school’s digital teaching and learning practices? Take the first step with our Introduction to the Digital Schools Awards webinar. Discover
Step by step guide for school’s looking to create their SELFIE survey. Digital Schools Awards – a ‘how to’ guide to SELFIE
HP is committed to helping young people acquire the digital skills they need to thrive. We are proud to be part of the Digital Schools Awards European initiative which aims to help schools to use the power of technology to improve learning outcomes and the development of higher level skills in students.