Sinéad Kelly Roche

From the very start of Sinéads career in education she had a keen interest in integrating technology efficiently into teaching and learning. Taking up extra modules in ICT in education during her masters and going on to complete two thesis’s that focus directly on integrating technology into our schools and classrooms. She spent a year working as an Education Solution Specialist for a technology company working directly with schools helping them to plan their digital strategies and leading workshops with schools management teams to help them identify their schools needs and plan their own school specific development plan. Sinéad has the ‘Apple Teacher’ qualification along with multiple ‘Microsoft Innovative Educator’ qualifications. Sinéad has taken part in the iPad Launch Summit in Maynooth University as well as presenting in the Maynooth University Technology Showcase for education students.

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Ann Marie hp

21 July 2020

HP is committed to helping young people acquire the digital skills they need to thrive. We are proud to be part of the Digital Schools Awards European initiative which aims to help schools to use the power of technology to improve learning outcomes and the development of higher level skills in students.